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Fight Hunger

in the Greater Philadelphia region

Food insecurity is rising in and around our city.

You can help feed neighbors in need today.


Help fight hunger in our community


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Share Food Program distributes millions of pounds of food to hundreds of thousands of neighbors in need – making us the leading hunger relief organization in our region.

In response to the impacts of COVID-19, inflation, and SNAP cuts in our communities, Share Food Program has more than tripled our efforts to provide life-sustaining foods to vulnerable children, families, and seniors.

Learn About Share

Share by the Numbers

Feed Local Children

The number of children Share Food Program serves across nearly 800 schools through the National School Lunch Program

Communities in need

The percentage of neighbors living in poverty, which is twice the U.S. average

Help Fight Hunger

The number of food-insecure Philadelphia-area residents prior to the pandemic. That number is surging right now.


The number of 30-pound boxes of food delivered directly to seniors & people with disabilities each month.


The number of Share partner pantries and community organizations helping us fight hunger.

Together, we can combat hunger in our region.

Every Gift Counts

Every Gift Counts

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